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The 17th Annual SPICE Cup 2023 is an International Open Swiss tournament, held from the 17th to the 22nd of December in Chesterfield, Missouri, USA.

The event aims to give the opportunities for young and talented players to fight for international title norms as well as valuable prizes. The event is sponsored by Webster University and the Susan Polgar Foundation.

17th Annual SPICE Cup Open

Il sito e stato aggiornato il22.12.2023 21:51:19, Creatore/Ultimo Upload: SPICEChess

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Elenco giocatori per sorteggio

1GMHakobyan, Aram13306677ARM2616
2GMNyzhnyk, Illya14118084UKR2611
3GMYoo, Christopher Woojin30909694USA2606
4GMQuesada Perez, Yasser3509362CUB2578
5GMBharathakoti, Harsha5078776IND2570
6IMWang, Justin30911370USA2512
7GMBalakrishnan, Praveen2064871USA2505
8IMWoodward, Andy30953499USA2481
9IMBora, Safal2066149USA2460
10IMLou, Yiping8603928CHN2454
11IMHeimann, Mark2028441USA2453
12IMPosthuma, Joshua2096889USA2449
13Zeltsan, Joseph30932980USA2415
14IMLi, George2052695USA2398
15FMPham, Tran Gia Phuc12415669VIE2393
16IMGedajlovic, Max2616840CAN2390
17FMLee, Alice30941822USA2380
18IMSargsyan, Anna M.13308130ARM2364
19FMRorrer, Grayson30944996USA2361
20IMChen, Ryo7003072USA2355
21FMTsay, Vincent30931835USA2353
22FMPutnam, Liam30938279USA2348
23IMWang, Tianqi2063824USA2347
24Sheehan, Ethan30943965USA2339
25FMWang, Isaac30977185USA2333
26FMGutla, Aryan30945968USA2294
27WGMMarjanovic, Annamaria750930HUN2284
28Girsh, Daniel30949190USA2261
29Proleiko, Julian30900255USA2220
30WIMCaglar, Sila6364063TUR2194
31FMAmburgy, Ryan30924820USA2192
32CMVemparala, Nikash30960967USA2192
33Mcconnell, Sullivan30934885USA2191
34FMBetaneli, Alexander2012359USA2178
35Puckett, Matthew2013517USA2172
36Song, Ethan62900412CAN2171
37FMYanayt, Eugene2020165USA2156
38Fernandez, John C2017644USA2133
39CMYang, Jingyun (Ryan)2637375CAN2129
40FMEckert, Doug2001993USA2123
41CMGuo, Ethan30976359USA2091
42CMLiang, Yu-Cheng30958121USA2089
43CMZhurbinsky, David2072904USA2080
44Jing, Andrew30984076USA2070
45WFMPatel, Dhyana35006908IND2064
46Panda, Vedic30903416USA2039
47AIMTakahashi, Michael30911648USA2033
48Shetty, Anshul30945828USA2030
49Liu, Zachary Hankun2640287CAN1993
50FMResika, Nathan2008343USA1970
51NMCavanah, Troy30949670USA1950
52Zhang, Alex30967988USA1882
53FMVan Meter, Lester2001691USA1807