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Festival Nacional Escolar 2023 Ajedrez Clasico Sub-15 Femenino

Last update 19.12.2023 20:21:20, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Diaz Gonzalez, Ana Sofia4492927COL1589wU15ANT
2Quevedo Bonilla, Paula Thaliana4492498COL1555wU15TOLFormando Talentos
3Restrepo Cifuentes, Luciana4495292COL1474wU15ANT
4Rendon Martinez, Isabela4469097COL1417wU15VALRicaly
5Gomez Araque, Laura Sofia4463480COL1280wU15SANChessfy
6Pirachican Gonzalez, Sara4473493COL1275wU15CUNVirtual Chess
7De Leon Villarreal, Gabriela4469682COL1256wU15VAL
8Bertel Perez, Natalia4480732COL1235wU15BOL
9Vergara Canchila, Dariana144404247COL1173wU15SUC
10Acevedo Ramirez, Lizeth Dahiana144424205COL0wU15RIS
11Arroyave Arboleda, Shantal144430973COL0wU15CAL
12Cifuentes Cortes, Eliana Sofia144428235COL0wU15BOG
13Cortes Diaz, Melyssa Alejandra4482069COL0wU15CUNVirtual Chess Chia
14Garay Tocora, Juliana4474317COL0wU15RIS
15Gomez Sinesterra, Gabriela144430981COL0wU15QUISan Chess Ajedez Club
16Gomez Solorzano, Marianne144419015COL0wU15BOL
17Ortiz Gutierrez, Emily Dayana144430990COL0wU15QUIEf-Laq -Imdera
18Zerpa Barrientos, Dana Nicole144431007COL0wU15QUI