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2023 Scholastics Open U 15

Seinast dagført12.12.2023 15:50:08, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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1Clarke, NoahBAR1360
2Jaikaran, AaronBAR1225
3Sinckler, MilekeBAR1188
4Williams, KanyeBAR1170
5Clark, TarquinBAR1148
6Alkins, ErikaBAR0
7Archer, IsiahBAR0
8Blackett, AmariBAR0
9Boyce, DerickBAR0
10Culpepper, KaylaBAR0
11Gibson, EdenBAR0
12Greene, ChristopherBAR0
13Hinkson, AarysBAR0
14Latchman, CalebBAR0
15Little, SavionBAR0
16Reid, NathanBAR0
17Yearwood, TyreseBAR0