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Winter Rapid Tournament 2023 Open Section

Last update 11.12.2023 02:17:55, Creator/Last Upload: CICF

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Starting rank list

1Shaw, Clifford33100101CAY1655
2Tracey, Shaun419052CAY1628
3Lualhati, Jay-Ar33100390CAY1567
4Abalos, Gilbert33100136CAY1514
5Dookhy, Sastry33100349CAY1358
6Sinton, Luc33100098CAY1166
7Martin, Israel33100292CAY1096
8Franklin, Owen33100454CAY0
9Lopez Avila, Elena Barbara3513262CAY0
10Mircioiu, Alex33100381CAY0
11Shen, Hannah33100632CAY0