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National Youth Chess Championship 2024 - Under 18 Open

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony12.12.2023 18:02:43, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)

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1Munroe-Brown, Brad7703260TTO1553
2Lackhai, Tristan7704780TTO1363
3Maharaj, Kevin7705573TTO1327
4Prabhakar, Chandresh7707754TTO1283
5Balliram, Luke7705700TTO1242
6Gillette, James7705859TTO1157
7Scoon, Kalel7705425TTO1116
8Bharath, Sameer7705832TTO1102
9Martin, Joshua7706804TTO1089
10Maharaj, Joel7712839TTO0