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National Youth Chess Championship 2024 - Under 16 Open Վերջին արդիացում12.12.2023 18:12:48, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Medina, Joshua | 7706030 | TTO | 1765 |
2 | | Samuel Bisnath, Kael | 7706880 | TTO | 1596 |
3 | | Siewdass, Tristan | 7709340 | TTO | 1334 |
4 | | Nurse, Xavier | 7707606 | TTO | 1277 |
5 | | Murray, Zachary | 7707029 | TTO | 1244 |
6 | | James, Ethan | 7706782 | TTO | 1191 |
7 | | Joseph, Sanjiv | 7706022 | TTO | 1182 |
8 | | Frederick, Jon | 7711921 | TTO | 1138 |
9 | | Lutawan, Adrian | 7706898 | TTO | 1073 |
10 | | Ramdial, Gabriel | 7709870 | TTO | 1063 |
11 | | Ali, Reaz | 7712480 | TTO | 0 |
12 | | Anemene, David | 7709765 | TTO | 0 |
13 | | Samuel, Dejon | 7707622 | TTO | 0 |
14 | | Seegoolam, Aiden | 7710283 | TTO | 0 |