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National Youth Chess Championship 2024 - Under 14 Open

Seinast dagført12.12.2023 19:03:56, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)

Search for player Leita


1James, Levi7708726TTO1347
2Balliram, Taydan7705697TTO1241
3Balliram, Tristan7705689TTO1233
4Gillette, Luke7706111TTO1199
5Maharaj, Kyle7707533TTO1141
6Harford, Adam7709846TTO1138
7Ramkissoon, Adam7712359TTO1107
8Rambally, Arjun7709250TTO1091
9James, Nathanael7708424TTO1073
10Adam, Ashvin7707428TTO1035
11ACMRajkumar, Daniel143105003TTO0
12Abdool, Aiden7712430TTO0
13Austin, Angelo7712340TTO0
14Borneo, Arcanjo7710844TTO0
15Ince, Daniel7707517TTO0
16Jogie, Ari7711611TTO0
17Lewis, Maliq7711662TTO0
18Mitchell, Deandre7711697TTO0
19Rampersad, Jaeden7711905TTO0
20Vassell, Isaiah7712421TTO0