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National Youth Chess Championship 2024 - Under 12 Open

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony12.12.2023 17:08:37, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)

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1Mc Letchie, Nicholas7708254TTO1237
2Allum, Adrian7706910TTO1163
3Laing, Adam7709927TTO1020
4Adam, Arav7711433TTO0
5Dolly, Nicholas7710402TTO0
6George, Spencer7707983TTO0
7Lalla, Eli7708351TTO0
8Lynch, Eli7712049TTO0
9Paul, Jesu7712090TTO0
10Ramdatt, Nilesh7713070TTO0
11Rampersad, Ketan7710666TTO0
12Rampersad, Ved7708360TTO0
13Sookraj, Sameer7713363TTO0