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2nd Ribble Weekend Congress - Inter

Darrera actualització10.12.2023 18:04:32, Creador/Darrera càrrega: David Clayton

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Rànquing inicial

1Potter, Steven415626ENG1750
2Ashcroft, Graham J438090ENG1738
3Gawne, Martin451827ENG1734
4Blackburn, Jon429228ENG1714
5Gillett, John343425429ENG1696
6Baxter, Martin343419909ENG1673
7O'Mahony, Mike J449946ENG1634
8Willow, Hambel M438928ENG1625
9Ford, Chris462764ENG1606
10Holyhead, James474398ENG1464
11Kumar, Ishan2408554SCO1461
12Blackburn, Sandra G1802879WLS1416
13Eccleston, Bryony472700ENG1251
14Eccleston, Rowan472719ENG1156