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7th Blitz Checkmate Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony08.12.2023 19:00:23, Creator/Last Upload: Sonylizz

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1Elfara, Mohanad11523158PLE1397
2Alrefae, Ahmad10306510KUW1337
3Alazzaz, Abdullah10305254KUW1315
4Alsayer, Bader10308423KUW1200
5Sulaiman, Hussain10306633KUW1099
6Alonaizi, Abdullah10305653KUW1062
7Sulaiman, Yousef10306650KUW1038
8Ahmed Elena, Khaled54258707EGY0
9Alayoub, Ahmad10307877KUW0
10Alayoub, Mohammad10309128KUW0
11Almutairi, Abdulmohsen10309039KUW0
12Amerian, Mohsen428023900IRA0
13Ananth, Maitreyan48768103IND0
14Cheekati, Akshith429011418KUW0
15Novio, Pablo521012946PHI0
16Vanitha, Rajasekaran48775614IND0