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Kobe Chessclub Rapid Tournament 2023 Winter

Last update 24.12.2023 14:48:31, Creator/Last Upload: Testversion

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Starting rank

1Bibby, SimonJPN2295
2Okada, MitsuhiroJPN1808
3Ikemori, AkihitoJPN1728
4Poggenpoel, FlipiJPN1623
5Mammadov, EmilJPN1578
6Donaldson, SheldonJPN1566
7Yokota, YoshiakiJPN1468
8Fujisaki, TatsuroJPN1394
9Diba, Seyed RezaJPN1322
10Maeda, KazukiJPN1217
11Yoshizawa, KazufumiJPN1199
12Takase, HayatoJPN1141
13Okubo, YukiJPN915