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Turnamen Indomaret Cup 1

Last update 03.12.2023 19:19:39, Creator/Last Upload: mppindo

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Starting rank

1Abner Lay,INA0
2Adam Nani,INA0
3Ali Suwarjono,INA0
4Allan Adventure Kosasi,INA0
5Amrafel Tendean,INA0
6Anang Makruf Hariadi,INA0
7Arthur King,INA0
8Berry Rang,INA0
9Berty Sunkudon,INA0
10Brave Lumunon,INA0
11Dickson Bawintil,INA0
12Fentje Somba,INA0
14Henk Adam,INA0
15IRfan Ibrahim,INA0
16Janjtje Mawikere,INA0
17Jefry Saikat,INA0
18Jemmy Rumambi,INA0
20King Utusan,INA0
21Madjid Pakaya,INA0
22Maria Angkow,INA0
23Moh. Rizaldi,INA0
24Onal Mamesah,INA0
25Oscar Rondonuwu,INA0
26Pak Jhon,INA0
27Patricia Pinatik,INA0
28Raffi Wuner,INA0
29Recky Mawey,INA0
30Richard Ko,INA0
31Ricko Sumeke,INA0
33Sony Bawintil,INA0
34Tony Manolimay,INA0
35Ruddy Tumion,INA0
36Stenly Rotti,INA0
37Stenly Pinatik,INA0
38Samuel Setiawan,INA0
39Hart Ruusen,INA0