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8th Tamil Nadu IM Norm Closed Circuit Chess Tournament Erode AICF Event Code: 340209/TN/2023, 3rd December to 8th December

Darrera actualització08.12.2023 09:48:27, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Vidhatri Lakshmi

Llista del rànquing inicial

3GMFedorov, Alexei13500465BLR2454
4GMPodolchenko, Evgeniy13504134BLR2376
7IMAbdyzhapar, Asylbek13800337KGZ2340
1WGMNandhidhaa, P V5050847IND2319
10IMGochelashvili, David4161203RUS2291
8CMAkshit, Kumar J25097431IND2229
5Rohit, S46633847IND2212
6FMMd, Imran25748580IND2174
2GMZiatdinov, Raset2015323USA2106