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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
Saint Anthony's Chess Club Blitz U16 and U18 اخر تحديث03.12.2023 09:53:37, منشئ/آخر رفع: Guam Echecs
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم |
1 | | Tran, Tuan An | 31002706 | GUM | 1720 |
2 | | Justo, James Marcus | 31002544 | GUM | 1683 |
3 | | Kim, Junesun | 31001661 | GUM | 1491 |
4 | | Combs, Daniel | 31000703 | GUM | 1442 |
5 | | Combs, Noah | 31000711 | GUM | 1420 |
6 | | Justo, Alexis Rian | 31002951 | GUM | 1296 |
7 | | Javelosa, Jayce Caleb | 31002897 | GUM | 1249 |
8 | | Lee, Joel | 31001670 | GUM | 1237 |
9 | | Tran, Tuan Vu | 31002919 | GUM | 1183 |
10 | | Tiurin, Yaroslav | 31001769 | GUM | 1162 |
11 | | Padrique, Sarah Jennica | 31003907 | GUM | 1112 |
12 | | Tran, Xuan Chi | 31002900 | GUM | 1067 |
13 | | Tran, Jack | 31002943 | GUM | 1032 |
14 | | Aflague, Haevyn-John | 31004288 | GUM | 0 |
15 | | Alig, Franklin | 31004296 | GUM | 0 |
16 | | Balbin, Nicolette | 31003559 | GUM | 0 |
17 | | Casas, Caleb | 31003699 | GUM | 0 |
18 | | Chattaraj, Aranyam | 31004156 | GUM | 0 |
19 | | Combs, Esther | 31001599 | GUM | 0 |
20 | | Ko, Alexander Bae | 31004229 | GUM | 0 |
21 | | Ko, Arvid Bae | 31004237 | GUM | 0 |
22 | | Rice, Ana | 31001726 | GUM | 0 |
23 | | Tan, Deion | 31001742 | GUM | 0 |
24 | | Uherhewar, James Rivera | 31004300 | GUM | 0 |
25 | | Wen, Vivian | 31000746 | GUM | 0 |