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Saint Anthony's Chess Club Blitz U16 and U18

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.12.2023 09:53:37, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

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1Tran, Tuan An31002706GUM1720
2Justo, James Marcus31002544GUM1683
3Kim, Junesun31001661GUM1491
4Combs, Daniel31000703GUM1442
5Combs, Noah31000711GUM1420
6Justo, Alexis Rian31002951GUM1296
7Javelosa, Jayce Caleb31002897GUM1249
8Lee, Joel31001670GUM1237
9Tran, Tuan Vu31002919GUM1183
10Tiurin, Yaroslav31001769GUM1162
11Padrique, Sarah Jennica31003907GUM1112
12Tran, Xuan Chi31002900GUM1067
13Tran, Jack31002943GUM1032
14Aflague, Haevyn-John31004288GUM0
15Alig, Franklin31004296GUM0
16Balbin, Nicolette31003559GUM0
17Casas, Caleb31003699GUM0
18Chattaraj, Aranyam31004156GUM0
19Combs, Esther31001599GUM0
20Ko, Alexander Bae31004229GUM0
21Ko, Arvid Bae31004237GUM0
22Rice, Ana31001726GUM0
23Tan, Deion31001742GUM0
24Uherhewar, James Rivera31004300GUM0
25Wen, Vivian31000746GUM0