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2024 Perth International Open Posledná aktualizácia 04.03.2024 11:56:16, Creator/Last Upload: Andrew Hardegen - AUS
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | EloF | EloN |
1 | IM | Gong, Patrick | 3222500 | WA | 2300 | 2560 |
2 | | de Boer, Eelke | | WA | 0 | 2070 |
3 | | Spirin, Victor | 54131170 | WA | 2022 | 2204 |
4 | FM | Fu, Yihe (Rebo) | 8619638 | WA | 1938 | 2292 |
5 | | O'Mahoney, Keegan | 2506190 | WA | 1906 | 2167 |
6 | | Andador, Dominador | 3239080 | WA | 1833 | 1975 |
7 | | Holland, Dennis | 3206491 | WA | 1799 | 2113 |
8 | | King, David | 3246680 | WA | 1777 | 2041 |
9 | WFM | Hardegen, Kathryn | 3226778 | WA | 1773 | 1991 |
10 | | Wang, Lachlan | 3241084 | QLD | 1698 | 1796 |
11 | | Clarke, Daniel | 3247570 | WA | 1684 | 1922 |
12 | | Feng, Angela | 3238253 | VIC | 1662 | 1715 |
13 | | Wolstencroft, Alan | 3228304 | WA | 1656 | 1900 |
14 | | Gunawan, Tjermin | 3239110 | WA | 1610 | 1883 |
15 | | Taylor, Noah | 3250121 | WA | 1595 | 1798 |
16 | | Roebuck, Derek J | 3226999 | WA | 1568 | 1781 |
17 | | Huang, Hui | 3247597 | WA | 1546 | 1740 |
18 | | Kerr, Carter | 3261859 | WA | 1540 | 1875 |
19 | | Deng, Eric | 3254356 | WA | 1538 | 1733 |
20 | | Chen, Angus | 3251390 | WA | 1522 | 1714 |
21 | | Gunawan, Marco | 3239101 | WA | 1498 | 1707 |
22 | | Bumbak, Jacob | 3261832 | WA | 1479 | 1422 |
23 | | Kerr, Lennon | 3261735 | WA | 1462 | 1713 |
24 | | Wu, Kobe | 3257355 | WA | 1435 | 1594 |
25 | | Balavignan, Ashvin | 3261425 | WA | 1407 | 1839 |
26 | | Baines-Dell, Maxwell | 3261824 | WA | 1406 | 1382 |
27 | | Moseley, Paul | 3250911 | WA | 1375 | 1553 |
28 | | De Jong, Sjef | 3261840 | WA | 1372 | 1596 |
29 | | Sheridan, Wallace | 3206769 | WA | 1332 | 1703 |
30 | | Sethuraman, Jaswanth Ram | 3245250 | WA | 1225 | 1557 |