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VI Juegos Deportivos Paranacionales Eje Cafetero 2023. Ajedrez Fisicos PC Ajedrez Activo Masculino

Last update 07.12.2023 19:27:47, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

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Starting rank list

1Molina, Gildardo4403827VAL2039Valle
2Rodriguez, Wilfreddy144417691MET1926Meta
3Melo Ramirez, Marlon Roman4427068MET1892Meta
4Buitrago, Bernardo4434870CUN1862Cundinamarca
5CMSuaza, Yesid Rodrigo4409205CUN1856Cundinamarca
6Ramirez Perez, Jose Alexis4443977CUN1821Cundinamarca
7Guzman Hernandez, Nelson144426330MET1699Meta
8Jimenez, Eduard4450710VAL1671Valle
9Perez Latorre, Juan Sebastian4442792TOL1586Tolima
10Martinez, Victor144426518VAL1541Valle
11Escobar, Daniel4495012VAL1421Valle
12Hurtado Manrique, Jorge Uriel4449509RIS1338Risaralda
13Velasquez Cardona, Gustavo Adolfo144405960VAL1291Valle
14Granada, Ferney De Jesus4449495RIS1227Risaralda
15Riveros Ramirez, William Alonso4491840NS1651Norte Santander
16Fernandez Maza, Juan4489675ATL1527Atlantico