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Tournoi Sainte Catherine

Posledná aktualizácia 27.11.2023 10:52:09, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

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Štartová listina

1Stoyanov, Victor5401240MNC1384
2Malkin, Herman5401593MNC1110
3Bakaldin, Egor5402000MNC799
4Belchanskij, Mark5401852MNC799
5Bobu, Vladyslav5402620MNC799
6Dekman, Denis James5402042MNC799
7Di Grassi, Leonardo5402220MNC799
8Gutu, Stepan5402468MNC799
9Ignatov, Andrii5401798MNC799
10Ignatov, Zoya5401801MNC799
11Lukovnikov, Matvey5401585MNC799
12Lukovnikov, Vladimir5402123MNC799
13Ribbegren, Kimberly5401550MNC799
14Taftali, Simeon5401569MNC799
15Vezia, Sebastien5402557MNC799
16Vicol, Cristian5402794MNC799
17Wilson, Alexander80405231FRA799