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III Kołówka MKS MOS Wieliczka - grupa B

Last update 27.11.2023 10:22:52, Creator/Last Upload: Tomasz Kinas

Starting rank list of players

1Labedz, Rafal41816919POL1446
2Kuta, Krzysztof1137077POL1435
3Wrona, Jaroslaw21814406POL1396
10Para, Aleksandra21876380POL1202
4Debowska, Olga41833716POL1192
5Forysinski, Grzegorz41873610POL1191
9Matylewska-Para, Anna21891826POL1165
6Jaron, Dawid21020990POL1139
8Pawlowicz, Lukasz41863704POL0
7Potempa, Michal1144839POL0