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Tournoi du 25 novembre

Senast uppdaterad27.11.2023 10:02:42, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

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1Stoyanov, Victor5401240MNC1384
2Kriuchkov, Nikita5401321MNC1175
3Forgione, Alexander5401151MNC1047
4Karpov, Gregory5401658MNC1015
5Argi, William5402182MNC999
6Benedetti, Aaron5402786MNC999
7Egorov, Arctic5401089MNC999
8Fedorov, Mikhail80405118FRA999
9Illi, Aaron5402069MNC999
10Matrosov, Renat5402174MNC999
11Sithamparapillai, Harry Haran5402077MNC999
12Stsiarjanau, Nicolai80405193FRA999