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Darrera actualització10.12.2023 11:42:39, Creador/Darrera càrrega: vinaytz

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Rànquing inicial

1Veer, Ghandi21600155TAN1658
2Panya, Delbert21601410TAN1297
3Laiser, Dr.Yohana21601615TAN1278
4Konrad, Czernichowski21053049POL1097
5Arzeni, Giovanni23425679ITA0
6Challo, Faraja21601496TAN0
7Francis, Felista21602077TAN0
8Kabuja, Fredy Simon21602107TAN0
9Kasprzak, Krzysztof41867696POL0
10Kidima, Musa Mike21601500TAN0
11Kimbage, Josephat21602050TAN0
12Kitalika, Nickson21602093TAN0
13Lema, Nickson Shirima21601771TAN0
14Mbaghi, Peter21602085TAN0
15Mcharo, Henry21601780TAN0
16Menauru, Loiritha N.21601585TAN0
17Ngulwa, Lugano21602026TAN0
18Shetiel, Emanuel Shetiel21601550TAN0