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International chess tournament „Golden island Krk 2013“

Last update 12.04.2013 13:21:53, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Club RIJEKA

Player overview for BUL

10WGMVidenova Iva2329BUL110½½½1015,515225015-7,50

Results of the last round for BUL

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
WGMVidenova Iva2329 1 - 0 IMMartić Zlatko2323

Player details for BUL

WGM Videnova Iva 2329 BUL Rp:2250 Pts. 5,5
134Brzac Marijan1848CRO3,5w 10,890,11151,65
221CMSchmitz Andreas Arnold2053GER4,5s 10,830,17152,55
35GMMartinović Saša2530CRO6w 00,24-0,2415-3,60
419Bajlo Kristijan2118CRO4,5s ½0,77-0,2715-4,05
523Horvath Reka2042AUT5w ½0,84-0,3415-5,10
620Plenča Jadranko2108CRO5,5w ½0,78-0,2815-4,20
729Tica Sven1957CRO4,5s 10,890,11151,65
83GMZelčić Robert2555CRO5,5s 00,21-0,2115-3,15
911IMMartić Zlatko2323CRO4,5w 10,510,49157,35