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JUEGOS ESCOLARES 2023 Cat 4 OPEN: 2009 en 2010 (28 NOV)

Darrera actualització28.11.2023 23:21:47, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Fabricio Gonzalez Pereira

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Rànquing inicial

1Badillo, HilynARU0Aruba Adventist Academy
2Baliton, ShayneARU0Colegio Arubano
3Barrion, DixlanARU0Aruba Adventist Academy
4Chang, EthanARU0Colegio Arubano
5De Jesus, AaronARU0Maria College
6de Roo, PatrickARU0Colegio Arubano
7Diaz Tejada, AngelARU0Colegio Arubano
8Farro, DarzenARU0Colegio Arubano
9Geerman, ZanielARU0Colegio Arubano
10Germes, JohanselARU0Aruba Adventist Academy
11Gotopo, DiegoARU0Aruba Adventist Academy
12Lalwani, DeepeshARU0Colegio Arubano
13Lockhart, BrookeARU0MPC HAVO - VWO
14Mohamed, JoelARU0Col. Sagrado Curason
15Montoya Alvarez, LuiARU0Mon Plaisir College
16Motwani, GraceyARU0Colegio Arubano
17Orteaga, EvansARU0Aruba Adventist Academy
18Peña, ZahirARU0Sint Franciscus College
19Pizarro, JaimeARU0Aruba Adventist Academy
20Purushotamdas, AryanARU0Colegio Arubano