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JUEGOS ESCOLARES 2023 Cat 4 OPEN: 2009 en 2010 (28 NOV) Posledná aktualizácia 28.11.2023 23:21:47, Creator/Last Upload: Fabricio Gonzalez Pereira
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Badillo, Hilyn | | ARU | 0 | Aruba Adventist Academy |
2 | | Baliton, Shayne | | ARU | 0 | Colegio Arubano |
3 | | Barrion, Dixlan | | ARU | 0 | Aruba Adventist Academy |
4 | | Chang, Ethan | | ARU | 0 | Colegio Arubano |
5 | | De Jesus, Aaron | | ARU | 0 | Maria College |
6 | | de Roo, Patrick | | ARU | 0 | Colegio Arubano |
7 | | Diaz Tejada, Angel | | ARU | 0 | Colegio Arubano |
8 | | Farro, Darzen | | ARU | 0 | Colegio Arubano |
9 | | Geerman, Zaniel | | ARU | 0 | Colegio Arubano |
10 | | Germes, Johansel | | ARU | 0 | Aruba Adventist Academy |
11 | | Gotopo, Diego | | ARU | 0 | Aruba Adventist Academy |
12 | | Lalwani, Deepesh | | ARU | 0 | Colegio Arubano |
13 | | Lockhart, Brooke | | ARU | 0 | MPC HAVO - VWO |
14 | | Mohamed, Joel | | ARU | 0 | Col. Sagrado Curason |
15 | | Montoya Alvarez, Lui | | ARU | 0 | Mon Plaisir College |
16 | | Motwani, Gracey | | ARU | 0 | Colegio Arubano |
17 | | Orteaga, Evans | | ARU | 0 | Aruba Adventist Academy |
18 | | Peña, Zahir | | ARU | 0 | Sint Franciscus College |
19 | | Pizarro, Jaime | | ARU | 0 | Aruba Adventist Academy |
20 | | Purushotamdas, Aryan | | ARU | 0 | Colegio Arubano |