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Chess Arena Grand Prix for Secondary Schools Event 2: November 2023

Seinast dagført26.11.2023 15:53:17, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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1Falzon, Thomas5605008MLT1433The Archbishop's Seminary, Ir-Rabat
2Aquilina, Elias5604427MLT1405De La Salle College, Il-Birgu
3ACMGrima Bongailas, Isaac5604087MLT1307St Elias College, Santa Venera
4Gauci, Andre5602777MLT1291Malta National Sport School, Pembroke
5Kosorukov, Artem5603412MLT1236St Martin's College, L-Imsida
6Sacco, Isaac5603803MLT1214St Michael School, Santa Venera
7Micallef, Jacob Leigh5603005MLT1213De La Salle College, Il-Birgu
8Grech, Gabriel5603773MLT1191De La Salle College, Il-Birgu
9Grech, Luca5604915MLT1169St Nicholas College, Il-Baħrija
10Lin, Ziyang5604982MLT1169St Edward's College, Il-Birgu
11Abela, Jamie5604940MLT0St Aloysius College, Birkirkara
12Azzopardi, Luke5605415MLT0The Archbishop's Seminary, Ir-Rabat
13Bugeja, Jawett5605199MLT0St Nicholas College, Il-Baħrija
14Cascun, Jake5605105MLT0St Michael School, Santa Venera
15Dimech, Luke5605210MLT0St Nicholas College, Il-Baħrija
16Gauci, Luca5605229MLT0St Nicholas College, Il-Baħrija
17Harmsworth, Kate5605342MLT0St Dorothy's Senior School, Iż-Żebb
18Micallef, Daniel5605075MLT0St Nicholas College, Il-Baħrija
19Micallef, Mattheas5605261MLT0
20Mizzi, John5605458MLT0St Nicholas College, Il-Baħrija
21Sciberras, Denzel5605423MLT0De La Salle College, Il-Birgu
22Vella, Daniel5605431MLT0St Nicholas College, Il-Baħrija
23Zammit, Darren5605440MLT0St Elias College, Santa Venera