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National Championship 2023

Last update 01.12.2023 01:00:25, Creator/Last Upload: SAMUEL BARAKAT

Starting rank list of players

1CMKhan, Taffin19700024GUY2005
7Nathoo, Loris19700083GUY1703
6De Silva, Justino Manuelo John19700849GUY1538
2Lee, Ethan19700660GUY1489
3Sandiford, Keron19701276GUY1481
10Ali, Saeed Anwar19700512GUY1469
4Williams, Gilbert19701217GUY1321
9Taylor, Jaden19700709GUY1299
8Alexander, Rolex Antoine19701896GUY0
5Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan19702566GUY0