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I Torneo Estudiantil Mueve tus Piezas Santo Tómas

Last update 18.11.2023 18:46:40, Creator/Last Upload: erickmarvinguevarasanchez

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1Carpio, GabrielESA1500
2Carranza, ValeriaESA1500
3Carrillo, AldoESA1500
4Castro, JosueESA1500
5Castro, Moises AdalbertoESA1500
6Chavez, GenesisESA1500
7Cruz, MateoESA1500
8De León, EduardoESA1500
9De León, JefersonESA1500
10Delgado, AngelESA1500
11Franco, EstefaniESA1500
12Gomez, DanielESA1500
13Gomez, ElmerESA1500
14Gomez, JeremyESA1500
15Gonzalez, MarvinESA1500
16Guerrero, FernandoESA1500
17Hernandez, BriseydaESA1500
18Jefferson, AndresESA1500
19Martinez, AlcidesESA1500
20Martinez, MarcelaESA1500
21Martinez, MariselaESA1500
22Mejia, FranklinESA1500
23Moran, AdrianESA1500
24Morales, AndreaESA1500
25Nolasco, DanielaESA1500
26Olivar, MarioESA1500
27Ortiz, KatherinESA1500
28Perez, ArmandoESA1500
29Ramirez, MiguelESA1500
30Ramos, DanielESA1500
31Ramos, MoisesESA1500
32Rodriguez, JavierESA1500
33Sanchez, AshleyESA1500
34Serpas, AlejandroESA1500
35Serrano, JosueESA1500
36Torres, NataliaESA1500
37Vanegas, YovanniESA1500
38Zelaya, AngelESA1500