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Torneio Natal JTC 2023

Last update 20.03.2024 16:23:27, Creator/Last Upload: Fexerj

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Starting rank list

1Nilton Rosa De Oliveira Jr11042325S50Jtc
2FMJorge Luiz Cabral Medeiros Jr28302133Jtc
3Willy Petrenko6431973S50Jtc
4Luiz Carlos Rodrigues Da Silva451950S65Jtc
5Gabriel Andrade Bastos44571949U18Cxmeier
6Maximiano Goncalves Reboredo19251910S65Jtc
7Mauro Henrique De Moraes18261889S50Jtc
8Perivaldo Santana25861886S65Jtc
9Ernesto Cesar Ourique Schlobach28311853S50Jtc
10Marcio Roberto Oliveira Lima37411843S50Jtc
11Claudio Teixeira Azeredo Martins35411819S50Jtc
12Gabriel Silva das Merces49441665ALEX