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JustFit Inter Schools Games U12

Last update 10.12.2023 11:36:10, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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Starting rank

1Aahil, AmarshiTAN0
2Alvin, Philip FilikunjombeTAN0
4Anahi, ShahTAN0
5Atharva, RaoTAN0
6Kahil, WalliTAN0
7Karan, ShahTAN0
8Krishnav, SudhakaranTAN0
9Mingyu, ZhouTAN0
10Mugema, Duval BunnyTAN0
11Rania, NooraniTAN0
12Tanaya, SheithTAN0
13Veeraj, MehtaTAN0
14Zac, OkumuTAN0
15Muhamed, NaelTAN0
16Aman, BiswasTAN0
17Adarsh, BiswasTAN0