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2nd Golden Mind Chess Invitational 1799 Below Standard Round Robin Tournament

Last update 13.11.2023 04:47:59, Creator/Last Upload: byrongvillar

Starting rank list of players

1Maranan, Edman5234417PHI1749
2Penaverde, Marco Viniel5272904PHI1708
3Bolanos, Henrick Marello5275059PHI1620
4Penaverde, Delia Marie5272882PHI1540
5Penaverde, Ma. Louise Yzabelle5272890PHI1540
6Abaga, Eeuwig MartinPHI0
7Pentinio, Laureen Alexandrie5292263PHI0
8Pentinio, Paul Andrei5292271PHI0
9Telmo, Emmanuel Preye5266700PHI0
10Telmo, Jan BlairePHI0