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2023 West Wales Major

Senast uppdaterad12.11.2023 19:07:17, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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1Ashcroft, Graham J438090ENG1849
2Guy, David1800337WLS1843
3Thomas, Mark1801791WLS1802
4AFMMckenna, Joshua1802500WLS1754
5Zografos, Lef1806033WLS1728
6Choo Yin, Kam1803735WLS1638
7Parri, Deio1802259WLS1624
8Jones, Martin C1803310WLS1620
9Philpin, LesWLS1618
10Williams, David J1803565WLS1611
11Hammett, Scott1803948WLS1610
12Jakubiak, Krzysztof1807196WLS1599
13Jones, Jonathan1805282WLS1576
14Sharhorodsky, Yaroslav34163913WLS1557
15Stuart, NeilWLS1537
16Tuson, Jon1807552WLS1500
17Kong, Emma Zihan1805940WLS1478
18Beeston, Darson1806025WLS1477
19Probert, Malcolm1802305WLS1472
20Hurn, Robert Aj1801929WLS1459
21Larg, Richard1802992WLS1453
22Moulson, Paul1807471WLS1402
23Williams, John A1807480WLS1400
24Hannigan, Jack1806262WLS1393
25Prabhu, VismithWLS1335
26Hannigan, Ben1806254WLS1234
27Hilliar, ReubenWLS860