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2023 West Wales Open

Posledná aktualizácia 12.11.2023 19:05:05, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

Search for player Hladaj

Štartová listina

1FMHarakis, Alexis M403954ENG2264
2FMKett, Tim1801210WLS2110
3Binks, Michael1800957WLS2081
4Young, Alan1801309WLS2041
5Wells, Daniel J414581ENG1997
6Musson, Adam J424455WLS1995
7Pleasants, Allan J411337WLS1987
8Garcia, Jason1801775WLS19724ncl Rhyfelwyr Essyllwg
9Gibbons, Andrew1800078WLS1921
10May, Adam J1800710WLS1895
11Jukes, Sam1803182WLS1884
12Bevan, Peter M1800345WLS1858
13Turner, Joseph David1801520WLS1844
14Williams, Duncan1805592WLS1831
15Wells, Thomas154023363WLS1742
16Jones, Steve1802216WLS1673
17Sipho, Donovan451010ENG1672
18Hare, Roy T414719ENG1651
19Dixon, Chris1801880WLS1647
20Howells, S Wyn1800779WLS1635
21Thomas, Roy1803190WLS1633
22Di-Vetta, Andrew1803964WLS1632
23Hariharan, Shambavi488160ENG1604
24Westcott, Dale1806017WLS1595
25Mcghee, David1805657WLS1524
26Golley, Andrew1807463WLS1428
27Archibald, Mckenzie1807170WLS1375