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2023 West Wales Open Posledná aktualizácia 12.11.2023 19:05:05, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | FM | Harakis, Alexis M | 403954 | ENG | 2264 | |
2 | FM | Kett, Tim | 1801210 | WLS | 2110 | |
3 | | Binks, Michael | 1800957 | WLS | 2081 | |
4 | | Young, Alan | 1801309 | WLS | 2041 | |
5 | | Wells, Daniel J | 414581 | ENG | 1997 | |
6 | | Musson, Adam J | 424455 | WLS | 1995 | |
7 | | Pleasants, Allan J | 411337 | WLS | 1987 | |
8 | | Garcia, Jason | 1801775 | WLS | 1972 | 4ncl Rhyfelwyr Essyllwg |
9 | | Gibbons, Andrew | 1800078 | WLS | 1921 | |
10 | | May, Adam J | 1800710 | WLS | 1895 | |
11 | | Jukes, Sam | 1803182 | WLS | 1884 | |
12 | | Bevan, Peter M | 1800345 | WLS | 1858 | |
13 | | Turner, Joseph David | 1801520 | WLS | 1844 | |
14 | | Williams, Duncan | 1805592 | WLS | 1831 | |
15 | | Wells, Thomas | 154023363 | WLS | 1742 | |
16 | | Jones, Steve | 1802216 | WLS | 1673 | |
17 | | Sipho, Donovan | 451010 | ENG | 1672 | |
18 | | Hare, Roy T | 414719 | ENG | 1651 | |
19 | | Dixon, Chris | 1801880 | WLS | 1647 | |
20 | | Howells, S Wyn | 1800779 | WLS | 1635 | |
21 | | Thomas, Roy | 1803190 | WLS | 1633 | |
22 | | Di-Vetta, Andrew | 1803964 | WLS | 1632 | |
23 | | Hariharan, Shambavi | 488160 | ENG | 1604 | |
24 | | Westcott, Dale | 1806017 | WLS | 1595 | |
25 | | Mcghee, David | 1805657 | WLS | 1524 | |
26 | | Golley, Andrew | 1807463 | WLS | 1428 | |
27 | | Archibald, Mckenzie | 1807170 | WLS | 1375 | |