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National Open Championships Qualifiers 2023 Վերջին արդիացում21.11.2023 18:41:51, Creator/Last Upload: SAMUEL BARAKAT
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | CM | Khan, Taffin | 19700024 | GUY | 2005 |
2 | | Nathoo, Loris | 19700083 | GUY | 1703 |
3 | | Neto, Roberto | 19700318 | GUY | 1653 |
4 | | Nandalall, Shivanand | 19700067 | GUY | 1541 |
5 | | De Silva, Justino Manuelo John | 19700849 | GUY | 1538 |
6 | | Lee, Ethan | 19700660 | GUY | 1489 |
7 | | Sandiford, Keron | 19701276 | GUY | 1481 |
8 | | Ali, Saeed Anwar | 19700512 | GUY | 1469 |
9 | | Hussain, Rashad | 19700229 | GUY | 1455 |
10 | | Tiwari, Errol | 19700032 | GUY | 1435 |
11 | | Williams, Gilbert | 19701217 | GUY | 1321 |
12 | | Taylor, Jaden | 19700709 | GUY | 1299 |
13 | | Clement, Ciel Desiree | 19702124 | GUY | 1120 |
14 | | Alexander, Rolex Antoine | 19701896 | GUY | 0 |
15 | | Archibald, Treskole | 11104031 | BAR | 0 |
16 | | Assing, Eunike Angelica | 19702949 | GUY | 0 |
17 | | Bacchus, Ismaeel Fadhil | 19702906 | GUY | 0 |
18 | | Bahadur, Sahid | 19702671 | GUY | 0 |
19 | | Benjamin, Alex Nandram | 19702523 | GUY | 0 |
20 | | Branche, Amara Janae | 19702639 | GUY | 0 |
21 | | Bremner, Isa Abdullah | 19702515 | GUY | 0 |
22 | | Chong, Kim Shing | 19701721 | GUY | 0 |
23 | | Clement, Kaija Cahya | 19702655 | GUY | 0 |
24 | | Cole, Claire Zanna | 19702914 | GUY | 0 |
25 | | Cole, Jeremy | 19702353 | GUY | 0 |
26 | | Cole, Timothy | 19702361 | GUY | 0 |
27 | | De Jonge, Aldrianna Akelah Ann | 19702965 | GUY | 0 |
28 | | Dey, Julian Alex | 19702876 | GUY | 0 |
29 | | Elliot, Daniel Arilius | 19702884 | GUY | 0 |
30 | | John, Emma Anastasia | 19702973 | GUY | 0 |
31 | | Kandavel, Tejasvarun | 19701950 | GUY | 0 |
32 | | Marshall, Tremusa Richard | 19702930 | GUY | 0 |
33 | | Mohamed, Najeeb Abbas | 19702540 | GUY | 0 |
34 | | Park, Rafael Amare | 19702957 | GUY | 0 |
35 | | Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan | 19702566 | GUY | 0 |
36 | | Rahaman, Asif Aleem | 19702892 | GUY | 0 |
37 | | Rajkumar, Mahir Adrian | 19700873 | GUY | 0 |
38 | | Sakoor, Nicholas | 19702981 | GUY | 0 |
39 | | Subratee, Sahyra Maryann | 19702990 | GUY | 0 |
40 | | West, Gabriel Dara | 19702922 | GUY | 0 |
41 | | Yhap, Angelina Maria | 19702507 | GUY | 0 |