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2023 West Wales Minor

Posledná aktualizácia 12.11.2023 18:27:39, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

Search for player Hladaj

Štartová listina

1Billington, Matthew1806815WLS1415
2Halpin, CarlWLS1375
3Anandkumar, Govind1805690WLS1372
4Belochkin, David1806220WLS1250
5Heatman, JordanWLS1250
6Zheng, Lucas1806327WLS1104
7Tuson, BronwenWLS1100
8Powell, Andrew1806670WLS1087
9Davies, AaronWLS1084
10Gorman, ClairWLS1044
11Ripley, SpencerWLS1036Upper Killay
12Zhuravlev, AndreiWLS999
13Maguire, Steve1806122WLS946
14Sarwar, Adam1806890WLS926
15Murthy, ArushWLS916
16Bedwell, MarcusWLS871
17Francis, Emyr-WynWLS850
18Francis, TomosWLS850
19Francis, WilliamWLS850
20Hill, GlynWLS850
21Tee, EugeneWLS0
22Thompson, ChrisWLS0
23Walke, KedarWLS0