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Manurewa Junior Rapid Tournament 11-Nov-2023

Seinast dagført11.11.2023 04:20:01, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Lab

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1Khong, Mason4324862NZL1338
2Zhou, Martin4315006NZL1190
3Li, Hanxiao Lucas4320069NZL1013
4Alzaid, AymaanNZL0
5Arun, NandaGopalNZL0
6Bela, AlexNZL0
7Candy, NathanNZL0
8Candy, SophiaNZL0
9Chandra, AnshNZL0
10Emmanuel, ElianoNZL0
11Khong, LucasNZL0
12Marasinghe, JaniruNZL0
13Misa, DanielNZL0
14Nair, TanmayNZL0
15Prasad, AvikNZL0
16Saavedra, JacyNZL0
17Saavedra, MylesNZL0
18Willmott, RobbieNZL0
19Youssef, MosesNZL0
20Zen, EugeneNZL0
21Zhou, MaggieNZL0