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Place: Chess Club St. Ignatius School tal-Handaq Qormi Registration starts at 9am Tournament 2 of Grand Prix 2023-2024Chess Arena U14 Nov 2023 Վերջին արդիացում21.11.2023 21:48:26, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Stellato, Adrian | 5604869 | MLT | 1477 | St.Theresa College, Middle School ta' Pa |
2 | | Portelli, Matthew | 5604931 | MLT | 1305 | St.Theresa College, Middle School ta' Pa |
3 | | Silvio, Zack | 5604648 | MLT | 1188 | St Michael St Venera |
4 | | Thorne, Carl | 5604486 | MLT | 1141 | St Michael St Venera |
5 | | Thornton, Hayley | 5602637 | MLT | 1055 | Rabat Middle (St. Nicholas College) |
6 | | Aber, Gianluca | 5605377 | MLT | 0 | St Michael St Venera |
7 | | Aquilina, David | 5604990 | MLT | 0 | St Elias College St Venera |
8 | | Bonello, Nathan George | 5604699 | MLT | 0 | Savio College |
9 | | Borg, Luigi | 5603099 | MLT | 0 | St Paul's Missionary College. |
10 | | Briffa, Zachary | 5604737 | MLT | 0 | Mvpa Hamrun |
11 | | Chircop, Jerome Anthony | 5605121 | MLT | 0 | San Anton |
12 | | Debono, Michael Anthony | 5605385 | MLT | 0 | St Michael St Venera |
13 | | Farrugia, Luca | 5605083 | MLT | 0 | Stella Maris |
14 | | Gusarov, Mark Mikhail | 5604311 | MLT | 0 | Verdala International |
15 | | Mangion, Nicolai | 5605326 | MLT | 0 | St Michael St Venera |
16 | | Pace, Dante | 5604206 | MLT | 0 | St. Ignatius Ħandaq Middle School |
17 | | Padmala, Sujan Babu | 5605393 | MLT | 0 | St.Theresa College, Middle School ta' Pa |
18 | | Rivaux, Ryan | 5605318 | MLT | 0 | Rabat Middle (St. Nicholas College) |
19 | | Vella, Wayne | 5604613 | MLT | 0 | St Michael St Venera |
20 | | Zahra, Justin | 5605407 | MLT | 0 | Rabat Middle (St. Nicholas College) |