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Camp Nacional Escolar de Ajedrez CLASICO SUB-18 Absoluto

Senast uppdaterad13.11.2023 00:48:01, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

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1Luligo Bejarano, Luis Angel4473922VAL1956
2Rodriguez Pantoja, Obel4452968VAL1666
3Agudelo Zapata, Yarly Alejandra4458222QUI1537
4Vega Cotacio, John Alejandro4459865VAL1446
5Sarria Moya, Diego Alejandro144415524CAU1438
6Escobar, Daniel4495012VAL1420
7Herrera Murillo, Jose Miguel4497279VAL1420
8Burbano Rodriguez, Angel Gabriel144410174RIS1407
9Bonilla Barreiro, Maria Jose4472659VAL1403
10Betancur Florez, Daniela4496124RIS1125
11Bode, Michael Steven144419589VAL1516
12Barrera Cano, Lorwill Josue4469747VAL1362