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Camp Nacional Escolar de Ajedrez CLASICO SUB-16 Absoluto

Darrera actualització13.11.2023 00:47:52, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

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Rànquing inicial

1CMBolanos Lopez, Juan Jacobo4495276CAU1958Kasparov
2Hernandez Jimenez, Xavi4494105VAL1947
3Puerta Rendon, Jacobo4446801RIS1867Gm Alder Escobar
4Lopez, Ricardo Andres4469607VAL1686Ricaly
5Acosta Angulo, Mariana Valentina4460820VAL1579Botvinnik Palmira
6Rendon, Isabela4469097VAL1502Ricaly
7Zapata Sanchez, Carlos Mario144417560RIS1475Gm Alder Escobar
8ACMSanchez Barreto, Josue Efrain4477324VAL1453
9Hurtado, Juan Felipe144405731VAL1410
10Azza, Jhoan Sebastian4468996VAL1408Botvinnik Palmira
11Garcia Siabato, Cristian Camilo144428170RIS1407Gm Alder Escobar
12Chica Londono, Daniel144405430RIS1370Carnevale
13De Leon Villarreal, Gabriela4469682VAL1253
14Lopez Betancourt, Juan Pablo144414277VAL1245Philidor
15Fontecha Pastrana, Laura Sofia144407769BOY1216
16Colzato Rojas, Christine4495020VAL1149Semilleros Ajedrez Tulua
17Figueroa Barbosa, Marco Antonio144419287VAL1523
18Silva Alvarez, Federico144405774VAL0Grandes Talentos
19Donneys Pinza, Luis Alejandro144429835VAL0
20Giraldo, Juan Diego144429843VAL0
21Morales Morales, Nicolas144429851VAL0
22Sanchez, Jose144429860VAL0