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48th Guernsey International Chess Festival - Open Tournament

Senast uppdaterad19.10.2024 16:34:03, Creator/Last Upload: Guernsey Chess Federation

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1GMArkell, Keith C400270ENG2373
2WGMToma, Katarzyna1119907ENG2165
3WFMSmith, Olivia411850WLS2106
4Johnsen, Gunnar1500511NOR2071
5FMGiulian, Philip M2400197SCO2059
6Krueger, Norbert4633245GER2032
7Dilleigh, Stephen P408379ENG2029
8Curtis, John E411892ENG2021
9CMThurlow, Kevin J406104ENG2002
10CMKirby, Peter J.409014GCI1998
11FMWaddington, Mike P410497ENG1988
12Collier, David O406422ENG1988
13Andrechak, Sean2068532USA1982
14Wager, John D420204ENG1980
15FMHamperl, Fred10700110GCI1970
16Strade, Arita11603437GCI1949
17Dijksterhuis, Rolf1006452NED1937
18Heppell, Ian N412058ENG1930
19Canonne, Antoine619388FRA1910
20Matthews, Gabriel2511401IRL1910
21Hoogakker, Peter1053922NED1907
22Giulian, Rosemary A2400375SCO1894
23CMRowe, Peter10700099GCI1887
24De Kruif, Kees1006479NED1868
25Marceil, Jean20603444FRA1862
26CMForbes, Garry10700331JCI1852
27Downey, Keith10700250WLS1829
28Krueger, Malte356284883GER1821
29Morgan, Jamie451495GCI1807
30Warner, Nicholas343414400ENG1796
31Agustsson, Hafsteinn2302047ISL1763
32Rowe, Oliver10700226GCI1721