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Aruba National Chess Championship 2023 Open

Last update 12.11.2023 17:01:44, Creator: Education license (until 31.12.2021),Last Upload: ngaitan

Starting rank list of players

5FMDe Mey, Juan Pablo15900312ARU1999
8CMPesqueira, Jose15900037ARU1791
2CMCroes, Octavio1007220ARU1787
6Chaudron, Frederik Theodoor15901726ARU1689
3Antonio, Kyell-Jean15900746ARU1610
9Viafara, Hernan15900436ARU1533
4Dirks, Ayden15900908ARU1517
1Villalba Martinez, Paul Andres15901335ARU1449
7Diaz Maguina, Daniel Eugenio15900878ARU1387
10Leal Alvarez, Jose Alberto15901386ARU0