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Inter Departmental Chess Tournament 2023-24 Sports Cell, Nalco, Angul

Last update 06.11.2023 12:09:00, Creator/Last Upload: Darunath Chatterjee(Pintu)

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Starting rank

1Bhoi Gunanidhi25092782IND1476Nalco
2Behera Dillip25092758IND1459Nalco
3Sahu Tuna35044010IND1103Nalco
4Srikanta Charan Behera45056412IND1093Nalco
5Bag G25092731IND1089Nalco
6Chandra Mohan Munduri45056005IND1015Nalco
8Akshya Kumar SinghIND0Nalco
9Aman PalIND0Nalco
10Ashok PradhanIND0Nalco
11Biswajeet SahooIND0Nalco
12Chhabi BhoiIND0Nalco
13Damburu SahooIND0Nalco
14Devesh ChoubeyIND0Nalco
15Gitarani BeheraIND0wNalco
16Jiban Krishna SahooIND0Nalco
17Krupasindhu DaleiIND0Nalco
18Mithun Deb RayIND0Nalco
19Prasant BiswalIND0Nalco
20Ravi KumarIND0Nalco
21Sachit ReddyIND0Nalco
22Sasmita BiswalIND0wNalco
23Suna MarandiIND0Nalco
24Susanta MittalIND0Nalco
25Tinku KumarIND0Nalco