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Elichess 2023 November Rapid Open Վերջին արդիացում04.11.2023 20:47:23, Creator/Last Upload: Ghana Chess-Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Ameku, Philip Elikem | 12600326 | GHA | 1858 |
2 | | Fomevor, Cephas Clinton | 12601330 | GHA | 1828 |
3 | | Anhwere, Bernard | 12600580 | GHA | 1818 |
4 | | Frempong-Smart, Daniel | 12601659 | GHA | 1752 |
5 | | Aikins, Dwamena Akenten | 12601322 | GHA | 1546 |
6 | | Nyamful, Martin Kurth Cobbinah | 12601500 | GHA | 1323 |
7 | | Sarkodee-Addo, Harry | 12603198 | GHA | 1268 |
8 | | Ridham, | 12603163 | GHA | 1221 |
9 | | Sarkodie, Michael Giuseppe | 12601268 | GHA | 0 |
10 | | Singh, Manoom | 12603155 | GHA | 0 |