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Last update 16.12.2023 13:27:41, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

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Starting rank

1Salguero, Rafael3003876URU19142077
2Avedisian, Alexander3005011URU18762023
3Cuello Toledo, Guzman3005682URU18361966
4Perez Selios, Luis3014207URU17261855
5Suarez, Juan3012379URU16901788
6Colosi, Felipe3017915URU16381721
7Pelaez, Diego3006476URU15791667
8Gomez Melcon, Dario3018059URU15331664
9Rocca, Jose3008142URU15261573
10Diaz Delograsi, Francisco3016692URU15151583
11Benitez, Julio3001970URU14981551
12Rey, Antonio3008916URU14091511
13Olivera, Omar3011127URU13781453
14Mott, Juan3014193URU13561490
15Souto, Andres3007634URU12221251