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IST Inter Schools Individual Chess Championship Upcoming Players

Posledná aktualizácia 09.11.2023 18:14:38, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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Štartová listina

1Aarav, PandyaTAN0IST
2Atharva, Praveenkumar RaoTAN0Agha Khan
3Dries, BaxTAN0Top Chess Acc
4Gabriela, GarridoTAN0wIST
5Hayaan, Ritesh DivechaTAN0DIA
6Hriday, Deepakkumar SolankiTAN0Al Muntazir
7Iman, SaidTAN0wFrench School
8Kian, MehtaTAN0French School
9Lala, Fatim Zohra NciriTAN0wIST
10Riaan, Varun GeorgeTAN0First Year Acc
11Sidi, Mohamed NciriTAN0IST
13Zara, SaidTAN0wFrench School
14Zoey, AndrisTAN0wDIA