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Campeonato Nacional de Día de Muertos Colima 2023 Categoría Sub-2400Վերջին արդիացում04.11.2023 23:30:06, Creator/Last Upload: vmedina
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | RtgI | ԱԱՎ |
1 | | Varela Velazquez, Carlos Francisco | 5139287 | 1976 | 1964 |
2 | | Alcantar Alcala, Edgar Joel | 5175992 | 1827 | 1837 |
3 | | Diaz Guerrero, Jesus Daniel | 3979288 | 1826 | 1816 |
4 | | Sanchez Garcia, Oscar Ernesto | 5109752 | 1747 | 1801 |
5 | | Salinas Cardenas, Rodrigo Salvador | 5180589 | 1714 | 1799 |
6 | | Ruiz Bolanos, Eithan | 5175518 | 1620 | 1764 |
7 | | Flores Ordaz, Jorge De Jesus | 5165563 | 1744 | 1680 |
8 | | Dolores Rodriguez, Cristian Yael | 5180562 | 1630 | 1673 |
9 | | Chavez Ramirez, Pedro Joaquin | 5166896 | 1643 | 1643 |
10 | | Garcia Palacios, Jesus | 29628628 | 1566 | 1567 |
11 | | Antonio Perez, Guillermo | 5178991 | 1441 | 1549 |
12 | | Chavez Ramirez, Job | 5166888 | 1486 | 1494 |
13 | | Contreras Cardona, Alfredo Ignaci | 29605814 | 1283 | 1475 |
14 | | Quinones Figueroa, Angel Mikhael | | 0 | 0 |
15 | | Quintero Hernandez, Efrain | | 0 | 0 |