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Register at the control desk!European Small Nations Association Jersey Blitz Posledná aktualizácia 03.11.2023 01:08:56, Creator/Last Upload:
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | FM | Nielsen, Hogni Egilstoft | 7200404 | FAI | 2407 |
2 | IM | Rodgaard, John | 7200013 | FAI | 2320 |
3 | FM | Poulsen, Martin | 7200315 | FAI | 2235 |
4 | IM | Berend, Fred | 4000102 | LUX | 2193 |
5 | | Isaakidis, Alexandros | 5903076 | CYP | 2174 |
6 | CM | Zerafa, Robert | 5600618 | MLT | 2169 |
7 | WGM | Dornbusch, Tatiana | 14107449 | MNC | 2162 |
8 | CM | Darmanin, Jake | 5601061 | MLT | 2119 |
9 | | Ferster, Fabian | 4695330 | LIE | 2108 |
10 | CM | Pace, Colin | 5600189 | MLT | 2068 |
11 | CM | Ribera Veganzones, Serni | 6900860 | AND | 2047 |
12 | CM | Ribera Veganzones, Josep Maria | 6900763 | AND | 2041 |
13 | | Bourg, Nicolas | 4006160 | LUX | 2038 |
14 | | Apol, Luitjen Akselsson | 7202466 | FAI | 2031 |
15 | | Antoniou, Rafail | 5904390 | CYP | 1978 |
16 | FM | Iclicki, Willy | 200450 | LIE | 1969 |
17 | | Nielsen, Jon I Horni | 7202105 | FAI | 1963 |
18 | FM | Van Hoolandt, Patrick | 200999 | MNC | 1923 |
19 | | Nevska, Gerda | 10700366 | GCI | 1858 |
20 | | Dornbusch, Philippe | 647640 | MNC | 1838 |
21 | | Strade, Arita | 11603437 | GCI | 1818 |
22 | | Constantinou, Samuel Johannes | 5906229 | CYP | 1810 |
23 | | Gurner, Jem | 67600280 | JCI | 1775 |
24 | | Heron, Andrew | 12000213 | LIE | 1769 |
25 | | Weber, Gus | 15600378 | JCI | 1527 |