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European Small Nations Association Jersey Blitz

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Štartová listina

1FMNielsen, Hogni Egilstoft7200404FAI2407
2IMRodgaard, John7200013FAI2320
3FMPoulsen, Martin7200315FAI2235
4IMBerend, Fred4000102LUX2193
5Isaakidis, Alexandros5903076CYP2174
6CMZerafa, Robert5600618MLT2169
7WGMDornbusch, Tatiana14107449MNC2162
8CMDarmanin, Jake5601061MLT2119
9Ferster, Fabian4695330LIE2108
10CMPace, Colin5600189MLT2068
11CMRibera Veganzones, Serni6900860AND2047
12CMRibera Veganzones, Josep Maria6900763AND2041
13Bourg, Nicolas4006160LUX2038
14Apol, Luitjen Akselsson7202466FAI2031
15Antoniou, Rafail5904390CYP1978
16FMIclicki, Willy200450LIE1969
17Nielsen, Jon I Horni7202105FAI1963
18FMVan Hoolandt, Patrick200999MNC1923
19Nevska, Gerda10700366GCI1858
20Dornbusch, Philippe647640MNC1838
21Strade, Arita11603437GCI1818
22Constantinou, Samuel Johannes5906229CYP1810
23Gurner, Jem67600280JCI1775
24Heron, Andrew12000213LIE1769
25Weber, Gus15600378JCI1527