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1er Campeonato de Ajedrez VIva Mexico CATEGORIA SUB9

Last update 31.10.2023 15:24:52, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2022)

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Starting rank

1Kattel, Zamudio Virat DipankarMEX1465Maz
2Inzunza, Becerra Alexa LizbethMEX1335Cul
3Aguilar, Gomez Jesus EduardoMEX1330Cul
4Gastelum Astorga, Jesus ManuelMEX1300Sal
5Vizcarra, Moya Jose SamaelMEX1300Sal
6Lorenzana Ramos, Alfonso EmanuelMEX1250Sal
7Iribe, Ramirez Jose LuisMEX1215Cul
8Notario, Flores Diego AlbertoMEX1205Cul
9Gaxiola, Gamez Juan CarlosMEX1200Sal
10Lopez, Lopez Marlo FavianMEX1200Cul
11Monzon, Rodriguez Luis DavidMEX1171Cul
12Rodriguez, Jordan CeciliaMEX1155Cul
13Kattel, Zamudio VihanMEX1025Maz
14Angulo Montoya, Oliver SebastianMEX0Sal
15Castillo Ibarra, AndresMex0Aho
16Cuevas Higuera, Angel TadeoMEX0Sal
17Espinoza Parra, Saul IsaíasMEX0Sal
18Gastelum Astorga, Camilo EnriqueMEX0Sal
19Lara Sauceda, Axel AlonsoMEX0Moc
20Lopez Payan, AngelMEX0Moc
21Rivera Burgos, Mario GaelMEX0Sal
22Rodriguez Gonzales, Ikee CalebMEX0Sal