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CapExpress Blitz Capechecs 2023 Poule Finale B

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony04.11.2023 17:28:52, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

1GMGozzoli, Yannick616915FRA2571
7GMLaurent-Paoli, Pierre26017962FRA2540
2IMPrraneeth, Vuppala46622373IND2512
3GMPourramezanali, Amirreza12511412IRI2505
6GMBailet, Pierre655830FRA2498
4IMTravadon, Loic26092131FRA2440
5IMFantinel, Thibault663395FRA2417
8FMMekhane, Adam36050601FRA2255