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CapExpress Blitz Capechecs 2023 Groupe 4

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.11.2023 00:22:16, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

8IMPrraneeth, Vuppala46622373IND2510
7IMGirel, Joseph36033561FRA2494
2FMDecuigniere, Tom26093820FRA2403
4IMGatineau, Yovann26028999FRA2358
5FMMathieu, Phileas36048410FRA2341
1CMMedghoul, Sherif612057FRA2148
3Loncke, Matthieu45197148BEL2136
6Serrier, Mathis45180172FRA1985