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Capricorn District Chess Qualifying Tournament 28102023 U/10

Darrera actualització30.10.2023 11:47:45, Creador/Darrera càrrega: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 29)

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Rànquing inicial

1Wills, BobbyRSA714Laerskool Pitersburg Oos
2Ramashala, TshenoloRSA700Laerskool Pitersburg Oos
3Mathete, OmphileRSA657Eagle's Nest Christian
4Mabilu, NaomiRSA621Flora Park Comprehensive
5Modjadji, ThategoLCP606Eagle's Nest Christian
6Mamadi, OmegaLCP531Dendron Primary School
7Kgaphola, RetangRSA502Dendron Primary School
8Ansah, EmiliaLMG0Laerskool Tzaneen
9Bartlett, AyrianLCP0Pietersburg Laerskool
10Dolo, MogauLCP0PEMPS
11Du Toit, JoshuaLCP0Pietersburg Laerskool
12Erasmus, Hercules Philippus LodewikusRSA0Laerskool Pietersburg Oos
13Faul, FranscoisLCP0Pietersburg Laerskool
14Hawken, James AndrewLCP0Laerskool Pitersburg Oos
15Ikwuebesi, IfeanyichukwuLCP0PEMPS
16Ikwuebesi, IfeomaLCP0PEMPS
17Kgaphola, TokoRSA0Dendron Primary School
18Kobe, LehumoLMG0Laerskool Tzaneen
19Kobe, RemofiloeLMG0Laerskool Tzaneen
20Legodi, ShilohLCP0PEMPS
21Lewies, NikieLCP0Pietersburg Laerskool
22Madibana, LethaboRSA0Dendron Primary School
23Maepane, MatomeLCP0Dendron Primary School
24Maja, BlessingLCP0PEMPS
25Manojkumar, ManavLMG0Laerskool Tzaneen
26Manyanga, NduvhoLMG0Laerskool Tzaneen
27Masebe, MahlogonoloLMG0Laerskool Tzaneen
28Masola, PhenyoLCP0Mogodumo Primary
29Matsebatlela, MadiokwaneLCP0Northern Academy Primary
30Mbereko, ArnoldLCP0Eagle's Nest Christian
31Mokgoloboto, KgotsoLMG0Laerskool Tzaneen
32Nemavhudi, MelissaLCP0PEMPS
33Nemavhudi, ThomasLCP0PEMPS
34Rabutla, BoithabisoLMG0Laerskool Tzaneen
35Ramatshe, MolwediLCP0PEMPS
36Seabi, ThandolethuLCP0Rusplaas
37Seanego, RethabileRSA0Dendron Primary School
38Swart, LouisLVT0Laerskool Loius Trichardt
39Maleka, KegaRSA0Flora Park Comprehensive